Second New Book Published

I have just published a book, titled Following Jesus: Perspectives From Twelve Christian Traditions, that creates a coherent synthesis of the electronic conversation (eCircle) reported on below under the title “Twelve Month Electronic Conversation Starting on August 1, 2021.”

Click here to see a summary of the book as well as a live link to an Amazon page that one can use to order a copy.

Formulate Your Own Set of Christian Values

The values that I seek to foster on a daily basis reflect my understanding of God’s redemptive purposes on earth. I believe that as a “follower of Jesus,” I should seek to “partner with God” toward the realization of these purposes, which, in a manner that I cannot begin to comprehend, will be “fully realized” sometime in the future. In the meantime, I am called to daily actions that present intimations of that future complete accomplishment (as taught by Jesus in the Parable of the Mustard Seed, as recorded in Matthew 13: 31-32).

I was raised in a pietistic Lutheran tradition that essentially embraced only one Christian value; that human beings enter into a “positive personal relationship with God” by means of some type of “conversion” experience. It was not until I was in my late 30s that I questioned the adequacy of this narrow view of God’s redemptive purposes.

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To eliminate the inconvenience of readers having to periodically check the top of my website to see if I have posted a new Musing, my Web Manager, Dan Hefferan, is creating a procedural change that will automatically inform interested readers that a new posting (a new Musing) now appears at the top of my Home Page.

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Twelve Month Electronic Conversation starting on August 1, 2021

Following Jesus: Perspectives from Diverse Christian Traditions

Moderator: Harold Heie

Twelve Month Agenda

Leading Question for the first of the month (Directed to the conversation partner for the tradition being featured for the month)

What are the various views of those who worship in your tradition as to what it means to “follow Jesus” and what is the primary view?

Leading Question for the 15th of the month postings (Directed to the other eleven conversation partners)

What major agreements and disagreements do you have with the views expressed in the posting of the conversation partner who submitted the first of the month posting as to what it means to “follow Jesus,” and what have you learned from that posting that has the potential to enrich, or possibly provide a corrective, to the primary view of those who worship in your tradition as to what it means to “follow Jesus?”

Leading Question for the final day of the month posting (Directed to the conversation partner being featured for the month)

As you review the eleven 15th of the month postings from the other conversation partners, what were the main things you learned from other traditions that will be helpful to those who worship in your tradition as they seek to faithfully follow Jesus into the future

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